Helpful Resources

Community Resources

Contributions from our community on every level confirms the need for an improved level of care for addiction in Delaware. Existing related organizations are uniting for recovery unlike any time before. Businesses and organizations are beginning to see a tremendous value in supporting recovery in the first state.


This real Church for real people continues to help create environments inside and outside its walls for anyone seeking recovery…
This treatment provider connects treatment to the recovery community. They support community events, recovery initiatives…
This Christian 12 step group is available 2 nights a week with men’s and women’s step study and Bible study.
This long term recovery home has the resources to allow individuals to strengthen their foundation of recovery before working.
Check Out These Community Resources

Other Resources

Here is a directory to the Oxford House Locations in Delaware…

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program…

Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center in Maryland…

Small Wonder Delaware is a Natural History and Natural Science inspired retail store…

Christian Retreat & Conference Center in NJ…

Our mission: to educate and empower our communities against the disease of addiction…

Access information about Alcohol Anonymous online resources and in person meetings…

We offer area-wide NA meetings, activities, and services…

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